I love manga and Naruto is the reason I continued reading manga and from this I expanded the series that I own (I know own six manga series, technically seven as Naruto is in two parts).
I still remember reading Naruto for the first time, I asked my grandma to get it for me and she technically funded my collection as I used to save my pocket money and buy Naruto with it. It was also the first time I was introduced to manga's dark side as "ecchi" was in the first chapter, you get embarrassed reading it when you grandma is sat next to you. (if you don't know what ecchi is then it's probably best you don't look it up)
I found out about this series when I bought a magazine, this magazine had a DVD with two episodes of Naruto from the anime.
When your young you don't understand or follow things that easily so when I found the manga I picked it up, not knowing it was linked to that DVD I had (I had the DVD around year five, I started reading Naruto in year 8).
When I read the manga I was a complete novice to this sort of thing as I grew up with the western cultures such as comic books, the marvel franchise etc so this type of thing was alien to me. Manga is traditionally printed right to left, this was the first obstacle to get over. Not only this but the panels are printed like this to starting in the top right corner going left and down.
There are many series of manga out there in the world and the number is constantly growing with new manga-kas (manga artists and writers) going into there nearest publisher and handing in their ideas.
Naruto follows the life of a young boy on a mission to become the Hokage (leader, the strongest ninja in the village), this boy is a mischievous young boy who has been rejected by his village. I suggest you read the first or second chapter or read the Zabuza arc (running from chapter 9 to chapter 34). These chapters show you the emotions that Naruto goes through; the loneliness and rejection and it shows you how negligent and cruel people can be towards things they don't understand, thus is human nature. Maybe that's why I love the series so much, because the philosophies I carry today were realised through Naruto.
The first half of the manga is 27 volumes long (each book containing 10 chapters which have around 19 -25 pages), the second half goes from volume 28 and is ongoing (current count is near 60 volumes)
Flicking through these volumes now (I'm holding a damaged one in my hand) I can still remember the first time reading it and if I try, where I was reding it: v1 on the bus, v7 on my way to three counties, v8 and 9 on holiday with grandparents, v10 at grandparents, v14 on the 420 bus to home, v21 on my bus route to college etc.
When I read over these again you can see how the art style has changed over time and you wonder "how did I not notice such a drastic change??!!!!!" the faces are scatty and sketchy in volume one but in volume 27 the faces are plump, rounded and (strangely) real looking.
I'm only five books into part to and I hope that the story progresses in the right direction and that Masashi Kishimoto prospers in this and any other planned series.
Sayounara, keep on rockin
Monday, 13 August 2012
Friday, 10 August 2012
Batman vs Wolverine - who wins?
I decided to spice things up this time:
This is going to be an auto-debate on nerdy verses scenarios, so for the first one I'll do the one I've been thinking about the longest... Batman vs Wolverine
DISCLAIMER : all of the following is based on observation from films (not the comic books) and scientific reasoning, if I am incorrect about a certain thing then please inform me and I'll do something about it.
BATMAN: this is a vigilante rather than a super-human, this would possibly persuade you all ready that a mere human would loose against a mutant but let's get some facts about batman in first
NINJA SKILL: Bruce Wayne was trained in a shinobi academy (Batman Begins), this is where he learnt his "moves" and the arm weapon is used by THIS particular group of ninja, unlike ninja he runs around jumping down from big high things and punches and kicks people (whereas ninja normally use weapons for both attack and defence: nunchuck, shurican, kunai, katana, etc), ninja are suppost to be silent and gather intelligence so from this we can sadly say that bm is NOT a ninja fully.
WEAPONRY: Bm's arsenal isn't composed of much... The famous bat-erang cant really help the situation, smoke bombs might confuse him a little, the bat-mobile would compromise him slightly, his arm things wouldn't hurt him too bad... So err..
WOLVERINE: this is a mutated human from the Xmen series and is one of the most iconic characters in the Marvel francise, his mutant ability is regeneration and healing (he's can be hurt but can't die....) don't get exited:
DEADPOOL: this character is from the X program and in the film origins wolverine, deadpool is given wolverine's healing ability (this drives him insane because it wasn't completed) deadpool also could evidently use other abilities as in the film he used powers such a Cyclops's eye lasers, and Nightcrawler's teleport ability
In the fight between deadpool and wolverine, deadpool shoots his laser sight at wolverine and this (somehow) pushes wolverine back... I don't know how light particles can be so physical that they can push a tank like Hugh Jackman... I mean wolverine backward. Any way after a few swings of his claws, wolverine manages to slice dp's head off, this leads me to think that if you chop off the head you can kill them... Go figure! But I know that deadpool isn't dead... It's inconsistent with his full origin, in the movie he JUST began, in the comics he's a potty mouth, bad ass dude who has one of the coolest looking costumes ever (like the spiderman costume... But better!!) and I assume that napped after the events of wolverine origins...
BONES: But here's my problem, it's hard enough to chop through a fully grown man's head without a couple of try's, BUT wolverine's bones are made out of adamantium metal so its going to be even harder to slice through it!
VERDICT: Batman fights crime or the criminally insane, so Wolverine would have to do something real bad for batman to want to take him down. Also, batman doesn't have the arsenal to hack through bones let alone adamantium steel!
Wolverine is a biological paradox, where the hell do you find metal knives in a man's arm? I dont know -_- but scientific paradoxical loop holes aside he's a boss.
ANSWER: Wolverine could make Batman into black pudding before the bat could say "IM BAGHTMAAGHN!!!! AGHH"
I hope you enjoyed this, its good to let your nerdy self step into the light now and then
Let me know who you think would win and prove me wrong, I COULD be wrong, I'm not trying to prove anything, you tell me
Who won?? Who's next?? You decide
This is going to be an auto-debate on nerdy verses scenarios, so for the first one I'll do the one I've been thinking about the longest... Batman vs Wolverine
DISCLAIMER : all of the following is based on observation from films (not the comic books) and scientific reasoning, if I am incorrect about a certain thing then please inform me and I'll do something about it.
BATMAN: this is a vigilante rather than a super-human, this would possibly persuade you all ready that a mere human would loose against a mutant but let's get some facts about batman in first
NINJA SKILL: Bruce Wayne was trained in a shinobi academy (Batman Begins), this is where he learnt his "moves" and the arm weapon is used by THIS particular group of ninja, unlike ninja he runs around jumping down from big high things and punches and kicks people (whereas ninja normally use weapons for both attack and defence: nunchuck, shurican, kunai, katana, etc), ninja are suppost to be silent and gather intelligence so from this we can sadly say that bm is NOT a ninja fully.
WEAPONRY: Bm's arsenal isn't composed of much... The famous bat-erang cant really help the situation, smoke bombs might confuse him a little, the bat-mobile would compromise him slightly, his arm things wouldn't hurt him too bad... So err..
WOLVERINE: this is a mutated human from the Xmen series and is one of the most iconic characters in the Marvel francise, his mutant ability is regeneration and healing (he's can be hurt but can't die....) don't get exited:
DEADPOOL: this character is from the X program and in the film origins wolverine, deadpool is given wolverine's healing ability (this drives him insane because it wasn't completed) deadpool also could evidently use other abilities as in the film he used powers such a Cyclops's eye lasers, and Nightcrawler's teleport ability
In the fight between deadpool and wolverine, deadpool shoots his laser sight at wolverine and this (somehow) pushes wolverine back... I don't know how light particles can be so physical that they can push a tank like Hugh Jackman... I mean wolverine backward. Any way after a few swings of his claws, wolverine manages to slice dp's head off, this leads me to think that if you chop off the head you can kill them... Go figure! But I know that deadpool isn't dead... It's inconsistent with his full origin, in the movie he JUST began, in the comics he's a potty mouth, bad ass dude who has one of the coolest looking costumes ever (like the spiderman costume... But better!!) and I assume that napped after the events of wolverine origins...
BONES: But here's my problem, it's hard enough to chop through a fully grown man's head without a couple of try's, BUT wolverine's bones are made out of adamantium metal so its going to be even harder to slice through it!
VERDICT: Batman fights crime or the criminally insane, so Wolverine would have to do something real bad for batman to want to take him down. Also, batman doesn't have the arsenal to hack through bones let alone adamantium steel!
Wolverine is a biological paradox, where the hell do you find metal knives in a man's arm? I dont know -_- but scientific paradoxical loop holes aside he's a boss.
ANSWER: Wolverine could make Batman into black pudding before the bat could say "IM BAGHTMAAGHN!!!! AGHH"
I hope you enjoyed this, its good to let your nerdy self step into the light now and then
Let me know who you think would win and prove me wrong, I COULD be wrong, I'm not trying to prove anything, you tell me
Who won?? Who's next?? You decide
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Katana wielding cows
I'm often debated with about "why I hate humanity" the answer is that I dont: I dislike the stupid decisions we make every day. I know for a fact we aren't perfect and it begs the Question "did God screw up?"
Answer: no, man was tempted by satan and gave in to it.
It's the reaction to the sin which is the problem.
Murder, selfish, ignorant beings. Anything outside their bubble is alien to them and shouldn't be allowed to exist.
My favourite doctor who reference for this convocation is the episode called Boom town, in which they find the last of he Slitheen who's plan is to leave earth, the doctor and his friends all decide that she should die.
She, very often, displays sorrow in her eyes, in fact she stops her self killing somebody because they said that they were pregnant and married "all my family is gone" she said while she was in her true form and it made me feel sorry for her even though she kills people for food or to use their skin as camouflage.
The people wanting to kill an alien is the wrong part, and if you show the alien your mercy they have a choice of either killing you or learning from it.
People always retaliate that animals kill each other all the time. While that is true, it should not be put into an argument about humans killing: animals kill other animals as food or over territory or dominance over their group, humans kill out of spite and selfishness.
For example: if you murder a cow it's stupid but it provides us with food, if you murder a human you're a stupid!
If a lion kills another lion, 11 times out of 10 it won't be because he caught him in bed with his female partner, or that the lion was between him and a large wad of cash. See what I'm saying?
This is my argument: animals kill each other, humans kill each other... So why are we the master species? How are we better than they are? Why?
We kill because it's easier to take life than care for it.
I try not to kill insects. I don't go out of my way to swat a random fly because it was passing in front of me and I wouldn't step on a snail or salt a slug because "I can" life is life, life is sacred no matter whom it belongs to.
Alien movies. 99% of the time, it's the aliens that are the antagonistic characters and want to destroy life as we know it. If that isn't the case then 100% of the time, the humans are the ones who destroy these new creatures. The former just shows that humans a scared of new things even if it means no harm to us! Hence arachnophobia among other various fears.
We get told as children that animals are more scared of you than you are of it. That statement is absolutely true!!
When I see a child attempting to harm a pigeon or an adult letting them, I cry out in my mind and I scream at them telepathically! One time I saw a landgull just wandering hither and dither when I see two men as well as a female police officer. The two men were eyeing the innocent gull with intension to harm it. Luckily it flew away before they had a chance. That landgull was twice the man of either of them.
I'm rambling now so I'll finish this :P
Answer: no, man was tempted by satan and gave in to it.
It's the reaction to the sin which is the problem.
Murder, selfish, ignorant beings. Anything outside their bubble is alien to them and shouldn't be allowed to exist.
My favourite doctor who reference for this convocation is the episode called Boom town, in which they find the last of he Slitheen who's plan is to leave earth, the doctor and his friends all decide that she should die.
She, very often, displays sorrow in her eyes, in fact she stops her self killing somebody because they said that they were pregnant and married "all my family is gone" she said while she was in her true form and it made me feel sorry for her even though she kills people for food or to use their skin as camouflage.
The people wanting to kill an alien is the wrong part, and if you show the alien your mercy they have a choice of either killing you or learning from it.
People always retaliate that animals kill each other all the time. While that is true, it should not be put into an argument about humans killing: animals kill other animals as food or over territory or dominance over their group, humans kill out of spite and selfishness.
For example: if you murder a cow it's stupid but it provides us with food, if you murder a human you're a stupid!
If a lion kills another lion, 11 times out of 10 it won't be because he caught him in bed with his female partner, or that the lion was between him and a large wad of cash. See what I'm saying?
This is my argument: animals kill each other, humans kill each other... So why are we the master species? How are we better than they are? Why?
We kill because it's easier to take life than care for it.
I try not to kill insects. I don't go out of my way to swat a random fly because it was passing in front of me and I wouldn't step on a snail or salt a slug because "I can" life is life, life is sacred no matter whom it belongs to.
Alien movies. 99% of the time, it's the aliens that are the antagonistic characters and want to destroy life as we know it. If that isn't the case then 100% of the time, the humans are the ones who destroy these new creatures. The former just shows that humans a scared of new things even if it means no harm to us! Hence arachnophobia among other various fears.
We get told as children that animals are more scared of you than you are of it. That statement is absolutely true!!
When I see a child attempting to harm a pigeon or an adult letting them, I cry out in my mind and I scream at them telepathically! One time I saw a landgull just wandering hither and dither when I see two men as well as a female police officer. The two men were eyeing the innocent gull with intension to harm it. Luckily it flew away before they had a chance. That landgull was twice the man of either of them.
I'm rambling now so I'll finish this :P
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